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Zero Waste II Certification Course

Zero Waste II Certification Course

- Zero Waste II Certificate Course -


One of our most popular courses - Zero Waste level 2 is now available for booking! With the same concept as level 1, we aim to deliver the message of less packaging and plastic. The items we learn in this course are easier to make and more user friendly. Total 9 items to take home!


Course Details:

1. Moisturizing Toner

2. All In One Lotion (for face and body)

3. Chinese Herbal Shampoo

4. Natural Hair Conditioner

5. Detergent

6. Fabric Softener

7. Kitchen Detergent

8. Dishwasher Detergent/ Fruit Detergent


In addition, we will provide 2 formulas for spray making: Home Spray and Clothing Refresher Spray

Choose one of the above to DIY.


For those who are overseas and interested in this course, we offer online classes and materials and notes will be sent to you via airmail. In-person private bookings are also welcome. Upon completion of this course, you are authorized to become an instructor, whereby, you can also apply certification for your students. PM us for more details.


- 零浪費環保概念 II 證書課程 -


大熱課程 - Zero Waste 環保概念證書課程第二代,延續第一代以減少包裝和減少浪費為出發點。此課程的作品與第一代相比更加快捷製作和方便使用,甚至全方位照顧我們日常的需要。此課程會學習和製作總共9個作品!


1.    保濕化妝水
2.    All In One 乳液 (身體、臉部皆適用)
3.    漢方洗髮精
4.    天然護髮素
5.    液體洗衣液
6.    纖維柔順劑
7.    廚房清潔劑/ 洗碗清潔劑
8.    洗碗機粉末洗劑/ 水果清潔劑


額外贈送2個噴霧配方: 家居抗菌噴霧/ 衣服除臭噴霧




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